Pandoras Box
April 3, 2018On Monday Feb 5th 2018 I officially released out into the world a project my friend Chris “Elvis” Koehn and I have been working on for a few months. It came about because of social media but the result is something tangible that you can touch and feel and see images in something other than a black mirror. I am proud of what we have created and have been humbled by the support from so many friends and strangers. This project has opened a veritable pandora’s box for me and is just the beginning of many more projects yet to come. When Alicia at Queens Shop reached out to me I didn’t realize just how much of an impact that was going to have on my world. She found my work on Instagram and asked if i would be interested in being her next resident artist in her shop. I came by her shop and saw the space and agreed to put some stuff together, while we were talking I had mentioned this book idea I was working on with a friend and she was like rad we can do a book release when we open your showing. I excitedly agreed and then while walking back to my car had an oh shit moment, I had agreed to release a book that was still just a fucking pipe dream. I had already been shooting photos for the book idea but had yet to sit down and figure out what this book was going to look like. Chris promptly volunteered to design the book for me but I’m stubborn and stupid so I took a stab at designing it, ordered it and when it came in I realized I had made a huge mistake. Pride swallowed, I hit up Chris and asked if the offer still stood for him to design the book and he said yes.
The first draft he sent me blew my fucking mind, it was undoubtedly a bazillion times better than the piece of garbage I made on my own. We bantered back and forth and edits were made, a few short weeks later “Queen City Bodegas” was born into two beautiful editions a portrait trade book and a landscape photo book. Orders were made and preparations went into action for the book release. This was all new and crazy to me, I had never had my own exhibition or created and released a book before. Feb 5th came and I was nervous for what the night would look like, lots of friends came through and books were sold. This whole experience was kind of amazing, I have to thank Instagram for linking me with Queens Shop and making this whole thing happen. I am hugely appreciative of Chris for being my adventure pal and making this book with me. I’m looking forward to the next projects coming up and am so glad this box was opened.